A little tea…

An encouraging word…

Something baked with Love…


This is my backdrop for the creative process. The world is so noisy; filled with outside opinions that can transform into the burden of others’ expectations. Sometimes a retreat to a quiet, calming place is needed to reconnect yourself with your very own version of expression. 

In my calm space, I celebrate myself for being bold enough to follow my passion. I think about the projects I want to take on; I think about the steps I need to take to bring those ideas to fruition; and I think about how I can make my future self proud. No pressure of a timeline; I simply take time to think in terms of what is possible. My focus is fixed on pure, uninhibited creativity.

 Why do I do this? I love baking! I’m making homemade happiness. Most of all I love that it is a passion that I share with my tiny humans. Even my picky eater finds so much joy in our delicious creations. I don’t want to ever lose sight of that. This year great things are in store for the bake shop!

Everything all in good time!