Follow the Light

Summer approaches! And what better representation of Summer than the sunflower. The sunflower is vibrant yellow; provokes tranquil vibes, stands tall, and takes every opportunity to flourish in the sunlight.

I love the sunflower for its bond with the sun. The sun rises in the east and the sunflower rotates it’s beautiful petaled-head to maintain the gaze until it sets in the west. I’m looking forward to venturing off to my local Sunflower Field this July to witness it first hand.

We people of earth need the summer sunlight more than ever right now. We have experienced some dark days, months, and even years. There are likely more on the horizon, but we must weather the storm. The best way out is always through it.

When sunflowers mature, they stop rotating their heads to maintain the sun’s gaze. They develop a preference and maintain the one position until their next cycle of life. Much like humans, our young are better at maintaining a flexible gaze—the magical twinkle in their eye that believes anything is possible.

Eden and Mars are my young sunflowers. They are my reminder to follow the light. If we remain fixed on the light, there can be real change. Until then my friends…stay safe, eat cake, and focus on the sunlight! Happy Juneteenth!

“Keep your face toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.”

~Walt Whitman