Give Her Flowers

“I can’t imagine a force more powerful, a love more valuable, or a gift more lasting than a Mother.” ~Unknown

I recall a moment in my childhood when I heard a saying offered by my Grandmother, “Give people their flowers while they’re here”. For those unfamiliar with the saying, it simply means—don’t wait for someone to be unavailable in order to appreciate them. It didn’t seem that important in my youth, but as an adult I recognize the gravity of it’s meaning.

Mothers play such an important role in our lives. I personally didn’t understand just how much until I had my own children. And upon living the mom-life and just having time to reflect in quarantine, I realize what a thank-less job it is. I wish I had spent more time showering my mom and all the moms in my family with appreciation. Not just on Mother’s Day, but everyday!

We didn’t get to hug my mom this year on Mother’s Day. Before the pandemic, hugging my mom was comparable to being able to blink. I completely took it for granted and now that we are unable to hug (and not sure when that will be possible again), I see that her hugs have always been a luxury.

And so it seemed fitting that this would be the inspiration for our Mother’s Day bakes. We made flower cupcake bouquets to say how much we appreciate the Mothers. Eden blended the most beautiful frosting colors and I piped out the pretty petals. The kitchen was a colorful mess, but the outcome was a beautiful masterpiece. ❤️

“If I know what love is, it’s because of you.” ~Hermann Hesse

2 thoughts on “Give Her Flowers

  1. Nice and sweet! (Pun Intended 😊) Thank you for our custom blend of cake for Mother’s Day! The girls and I enjoyed it immensely! Sending you all the virtual hugs and to all the Moms who wearing capes too! 🤗

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