Happy Birthday

Birthdays were always such a big deal to me because my birthday comes at a time when everyone’s attention is thoroughly occupied. I always wondered what it would be like to have a birthday in the Spring and Summer months. What a perfect time for a birthday! Or any other social gathering for that matter! The weather is nice; you get to drop your heavy coat, grab a picnic blanket, and head outdoors to celebrate. Maybe its just my obsession with the outdoor-birthday (that I could never have), but I always declared this time of year as the BEST time for a birthday.

…That was before quarantine.

Under quarantine, birthdays in this season are different. We are stuck indoors for the most part and limited to a number of people to which we may interact. So forget all about having a large gathering. My heart goes out to anyone accustomed to having all their friends and family around for their birthday.

I had the opportunity to witness and partake in a few of the quarantined birthday activities. It was touching to see a group of people come together on a Zoom meeting; raise a glass, swap stories from the past, and laugh with a friend online that they would otherwise hug and celebrate in person. Perhaps the most touching was seeing the video of a former coworker and her son being greeted by what seemed to be their entire family, via surprise parade. There were lines of cars filled with family members waiting to take their turn to greet the two celebrants. It’s a testament to the importance of our love ones.

All of this made me appreciate just how amazing my birthday has been each year. When I was young I used to complain about not having a large gathering of my friends to celebrate with me. Now, I can appreciate that my dear family was always there to celebrate me. They made sure they showered me with love on my day. I never had to worry about not being able to hug my mom on my birthday. I never had to worry about social distancing from my family.

Eden an I had a special birthday cake to make, for a very special person. In light of everything, we wanted to ensure that this person felt our love on their birthday and everyday! So we surprised them with some of their favorite things!

Happy Birthday to all of our family and friends (Especially you, Aunt Reese!). We know its not the same to celebrate in quarantine, but we’re happy that we can still make homemade happiness for you on your special day!

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