Into the Unknown

Into the unknown!…That’s what it feels like living in the D.C./Maryland/Virginia area trying to adapt to the ever changing weather; it’s 17 degrees one day and 70 degrees the next. You never really know what you’ll be faced with. It feels like Spring at nine, but then Winter at noon. We can experience several seasons in one day! 

On this past teen temperature day, we entertained ourselves appropriately by watching Disney’s Frozen 2 and baking Frozen inspired cupcakes!  Double Chocolate cupcakes with buttercream frosting and a hint of sugar snowflake was just what we needed to warm us up on a cold day!


Eden has such an adventurous spirit. Like many children her age, she’s not guided by fear, but imagination and fun. She’s fearless! I think its something to be revered. Most of this is lost as we become adults; we’re more inhibited by fear.

This journey with Eden into the unknown of baking has balanced me. I’m excited to try new designs; some of which are risky, others bazaar. No matter what challenge we accept in the bake shop, fun is always on the other side of it. And though I can’t see all the way to the end of this path, I believe this is the one we we’re meant to be on.  

“If you’re walking down the right path and you’re wiling to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress.”
~Barack Obama