No Hurricane, Just Love

Thinking back to 2020…

Valentine’s Day fell on a Friday, so the night before was a hurricane of busy; writing names on Valentines, attaching the lollipops, getting the kid’s bags ready to ship out to school the next day.

I managed to bake and package all the cookie and cupcake orders, confirm our babysitting arrangements, and remind my husband to confirm our reservations for the evening. The weekend prior, we celebrated with the kids—treating them to a Paris themed family brunch!


Celebrating Valentines Day on a weekend usually meant I can expect to have a reason to obtain a sitter, do a little glow up, and enjoy a nice date night at my favorite French Restaurant.

This year…

No hurricane. Just Love.❤️

We celebrated love by spending the day together; making cupcakes, decorating cookies, and crafting Valentines for each other. Tons of giggles and good conversation echoed throughout the house. This is love.


It is often said that the little things matter most. This is true with love. In this unfortunate pandemic I have been fortunate enough to experience this and testify. Love may start out as a hurricane, but it evolves—as we do. It’s likely to become something less flamboyant, but this love is much deeper and special.

So however you spent your Valentine’s Day this year, we hope that you felt the love all around you. And we hope that you continue to celebrate this love all throughout the year.

“In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.” ~Maya Angelou