The Table

This Thanksgiving we baked for the masses. But we didn’t forget to bless our own family with their new favorite Thanksgiving staple, Sweet Potato Cheesecake!

I dressed the table with all the beautiful elements of Fall. I wanted the table to be perfect. Minutes before everyone arrived I remembered that something was missing, but it was too late. As I sat with my family at the table, anxious about my decorations missing a minor detail, laughter and good conversation brought me back to a happy place. The table wasn’t perfect, but I realize that who sits at your table is more important than what is actually on it.

I am forever grateful for those that have supported us, providing a seat at a table where there is an abundance of unconditional love. This journey is one that I started off on alone, but the community that has rallied behind us since that time have made this journey beautiful and fruitful. We love you. We thank you. And we hope you had a beautiful Thanksgiving.

May your table always be full of what matters most.