Valentine’s in Paris

Roses are red, strawberries are too! Because they are delicious, we want to give some to you…for Valentine’s Day!

Bonjour! Valentine’s Day is almost here! To celebrate love this weekend, we took a trip to Paris, France!

Eden and I whipped up some French Macaroons with a strawberry buttercream for the occasion. These decadent treats are very temperamental, but the macaroon gods smiled upon us and they are magnifique!

We curled our mustaches; we brushed off our berets; and we stepped into a “Paris café” for some giggles, brunch and delicious strawberry lemonade flavored cake. We listened to Nina Simone sing Ne me Quitte Pas while we shared with the kids why she and Josephine Baker, were two influential Black women to be acknowledged, and celebrated in Black History.

With our hearts and bellies full, we went off to the cinéma to watch Ratatouille. There might have been an impromptu nap around this time 😉.

This is a perfect Valentine’s in Paris for me! I enjoy being surrounded by their shenanigans. ♥

Valentines Day gives us an excuse to think deeply about such topics as Love and the way we approach love as humans; which can be a means for making us better lovers to ourselves and others. 
Romance is very popular to celebrate during this time, but we must not forget about the other flavors of love that exist in your life. They deserve to be celebrated most of all! ♥

“The things we truly love stay with us always, locked in our hearts as long as life remains.“
~Josephine Baker

2 thoughts on “Valentine’s in Paris

  1. Beautiful post. You are creating and capturing wonderful family memories that your kids will cherish forever!

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