What’s All the Buzz About?

Wherever I turn this week there seems to be lots of buzz about the fights over toilet paper, empty shelves, and hand washing–a foreign practice for some, i’m learning. I also learned the meaning of social distancing. Prior to my new found edification of the topic, I thought I had implemented this years ago given that I rarely see my friends and currently do not have in my possession any form of a social life. #ParentProblems

And now, schools are closed. Friday the 13th couldn’t have been a more perfect day to hear such news. The whole situation wreaks of impending doom! The thought of trying to accomplish work while my children are home makes me want to rush to the wine rack and open that bottle of wine that I gave up for Lent.

But you know what, after a slight panic, I decided that this could be good for all of us. It could be more of family bonding than social distancing if we give it a chance. Think of the amount of team work that has to happen in order for everyone to meet their daily objectives when we’re all working from home. And how awesome would it be to get hugs in the middle of my work day; I would have at my fingertips, the guaranteed support from a tiny human that loves me unconditionally.

Eden and I have already planned to have baking project time during my lunch hour instead of working through lunch, hence instantly improving my work-life balance. Let’s see how this goes.

We’re thinking of all of our family and friends during this wild time. Stay safe and healthy. Catch that silver lining.

Spring Bake continues! ❤️

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